Monday, October 19, 2009

Books for School

"Action is the real measure of intelligence"
- Napoleon Hill

For this post, I would like to talk about the books I'm reading for school. I just finished reading two, and I am starting a third this afternoon. The first one I read was called "The Garbage King" by Elizabeth Laird. WHAT A MESS! Well at the beginning anyway. The book is about two very different Ethiopian boys. Mamo, a scrawny boy who has just lost his mother, and Dani, a rich boy living in the shadow of his tyrannical father. I had trouble following the characters and I found myself going back and having to read pages over again. It's really elusive(look it up). In the middle it takes a dramatic turn, and the end is spectacular. I recommend it for boys and girls ages 11 and up.
Another book I just finished was "Persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi. It's an autobiographical graphic novel. The main girl, Marji, is growing up in the middle east in the early 1980's. She has to find her way as a teen, while trying to cope with the government. It is EXTREMELY graphic and has some language usage. Oh great, now I sound like a movie warning. I think it was a little confusing. Even some classmates, whom were reading the same book, thought it was hard to follow.
That's all for this post, the next one will be about good books you can find at libraries.

Keep Reading!

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