Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shhh...this is a secret entry

"Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits."
- Author Unknown

Happy New Year Everyone! I thought I might start 2010 with one of my favorite series. The Secret Series, by Pseudonymous Bosch. There are currently two books in the series, but I have only read two. When I read the third one, there will be a follow- up post.
The first one is called "The Name of This Book is Secret". It's about two children, Cass and Max- Ernest, and their adventures together. I can't say much more, since the book is secret, but I can say that the children find powers that they thought only superheros could have. I love this book because of the riddles. The whole series is about a secret, and many riddles, tricks, and voyages are used to help discover the secret. The book really makes you think. It's the kind of book that you pick up and never put down until you finish it, and when you do finish it you look for the next in the series.
The second book is called "If You're Reading This, it's Too Late". This one wasn't as good as the first, but it was more dramatic. Many more events take place. You also have to fill in the blanks more. The author doesn't reveal all of the information to the reader, so one has to think more. You might even have to do a little research. After you finish the book of course. Both of these books are recommended for everyone ages 10 and up.
For anyone who would like to read the third book before I write a review, it's called "This Book is Not for You". That's all for this post.

Happy New Year, and Keep Reading!