Tuesday, June 14, 2011


"If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless."- Anonymous

Well, it's summer. And I'm really happy. Just letting everyone know this will be my second last post before I go to camp for a month, so read it well. It's only two books because those are the only two on my mind right now. The names are "My Life in Pink and Green" and "Sweet Treats and Secret Crushes" both by Lisa Greenwald. They're both a little young for me, but I thought they were cute concepts and I always want to know what those pre-teens are reading. I mean, who doesn't?

Okay, first. "My Life in Pink and Green." The cover is a girl getting a facial and the cucumbers over her eyes have recycle signs on them. So a normal person would think oh my goodness, it's about recycling. Which is what I think the author was going for. But it ended up being of more a "find yourself and use makeup and recycling to help you" book. It's about this girl who wants to save her families business. And she's not exactly a teenager, she's a tween.It was Greenwald's first book, so I understand some plot complications. I thought the author did a really good job of portraying the voice of the main character, Lucy, and her relationships with the people in her life. It really added to it. I give it a 3 out of 5.
Nexxxtttt!! "Sweet Treat and Secret Crushes" It's about these three girls and their snow day. Each chapter is from one of their points of view. It's pretty good, but I felt like it followed the EXACT GRAMMAR RULES! No venturing outside the box with fragments, nothing! It also had the same cliche sentences that I would mock in my own stories. I've read it now twice, so that must mean it's at least a little good. It's also a little bit stereotypical for girls in seventh grade but what are you gonna do? I give it a 3.5/5.

That's all for today, guys! I know it's summer and it's probably got where you are unless you're in Australia or New Zealand but keep reading! It's especially important during the summer because you will forget when September comes, I promise. Read, read, read, read, read!!!

Happy Summer! <3 Izzy

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