Monday, July 19, 2010

A Favorite, and a series

"Outside of a dog, a book is your best friend, and inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."- Groucho Marx

Today I'm going to be reviewing two books. One is a favorite that I read at least once a year. The other is the most recent book in a famous series, The Clique.

The first book is called "Bella at Midnight" by Diane Stanley. The book takes place in the medieval times. It has magic, emotion, action and most importantly, love. Wow that sounds corny. But its true. The story starts out with the birth of a girl named Isabel, a rambunctious, imaginative kid with a head full of fiery red hair. But, almost every chapter is told by a different character. It can help you understand the plot line better. The book really makes you think about how hard some people have it, while others practically roll in money. I rate this 5/5. It is recommended for boys and girls age 10 and up. There is some difficult language, the way peasants used to speak, which might be hard for children under 10 to understand.

The second book is the most recent in The Clique series. There are 12 books I believe, and I have read all of them. There are also 5 others, from The Clique summer series. Many are quite good, while some could use some work. I recently finished the prequel, when the five girls are nine. It is all about when Massie, Kristen, Dylan, and Alicia meet. Claire doesn't come in until the first book because she only meets the girls 4 years later. The prequel was strange because the girls were nine, but acted as if they were 15. I thought that they could use an attitude adjustment, but that just made it all the more...clique-y. These books are recommended for girls 11-16. I rate these books 4/5.

Thats all for this post, keep reading! And don't forget to recommend this blog to your friends.

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